Medical Professionals

Medical Information Inquiry

If you have a Medical Information inquiry, please click here or call 800-790-G1TX (800-790-4189) if you are an HCP, organization or patient/caregiver.

Adverse events and product complaints

G1 Therapeutics routinely collects and analyzes safety information on our products, including reports from healthcare professionals and patients about adverse events and product complaints. We submit safety reports as appropriate to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), which reviews these reports and, when necessary, takes steps to alert healthcare professionals of emerging safety concerns.

Call your doctor for medical advice about side effects. You may report side effects to FDA at 1-800-FDA-1088. You may also report side effects or product complaints to G1 Therapeutics by emailing or call 800-790-G1TX (800-790-4189) if you are an HCP, organization or patient/caregiver.

The information you provide will be treated in accordance with G1 Therapeutics Privacy Policy.

Investigator Sponsored Studies (ISS)

G1 Therapeutics is committed to improving patient lives and providing therapies for patients facing serious diseases. We work to advance this endeavor by developing novel therapies, and by supporting research. The investigator sponsored study (ISS) proposals should advance science and patient care. We are pleased to receive unsolicited proposals from qualified health care professionals and researchers for areas of mutual scientific interest. Concept and/or Synopsis forms can be requested by email from

Qualified researchers/investigators are requested to submit their proposals according to the instructions found on the G1 Therapeutics ISS page. Proposals are considered by a cross-functional committee that meets routinely to review Investigator Sponsored Study proposals. G1 Therapeutic’s decision to support a proposal will be based on its research merit and alignment with our Areas of Interest. In considering applications for support, G1 Therapeutics will also consider the expertise of the proposed principal investigator and any sub-investigators, including their experience in the relevant therapeutic area, demonstrated ability to successfully conduct clinical trials and available resources.

Please be aware that funding is budgeted and limited annually, and submission of an application (even one that meets stated criteria) does not guarantee that funding will be made to your organization. G1 Therapeutics receives many applications for support and cannot grant them all.

Please click this link to visit our Investigator Sponsored Studies page.

Policy for Expanded Access to Investigational Agents

G1 Therapeutics is dedicated to developing medical treatments that address significant unmet needs for people with a diagnosis of cancer. We are currently evaluating our investigational treatments in clinical trials so that we can fully understand how they work, which patients are most likely to benefit, and carefully determine safety and efficacy. 

Clinical trials result in the generation of evidence that may lead to the approval of a treatment, making it more widely available to patients.

People who have exhausted currently available cancer treatments may seek access to investigational treatments through clinical trials.

However, sometimes a person with cancer is not able to participate in a clinical trial, and a physician may request that the investigational treatment be made available to him or her outside of the trial. G1 is committed to helping people with a diagnosis of cancer who may benefit by accessing our investigational treatments by considering requests in a scientifically and ethically responsible manner.

Further details concerning G1’s policy for expanded access to our investigational agents can be found here

Medical Education Grants

Please click this link for more information about Medical Education Grants